Exercise is important for health, blood pressure, weight loss etc, but how often do you hear people actually telling you that you need to exercise to increase the amount of ATP (energy) in your brain so you can think faster and in greater volume? This is the lens through which we look at all the elements of the Nootroo Protocol. How can we maximize your benefits for increased cognition, memory and learning. As for exercise, we believe the best exercise is the exercise you actually do and so we offer you tools to maximize your return on time. And we split exercise further into both mental and physical activity.
One main goal of physical of exercise is to push the heart rate up and then allow it to come back down, and then to repeat. There is a very efficient type of exercise called high-intensity interval training (HIIT), that is focused on maximizing. There are even scientists who figured out the shortest, most effective HIIT that could be achieved at home with no special equipment, and they distilled it into a 7-minute workout. We will share little tips like that and workouts that help you maximize your return on working out. Did you know that ergonomics is not actually about posture, but about efficiency, and it is inefficient to be injured or to have your productive capacity unnecessarily limited by your physical endurance. So in this sphere, we also cover posture, body work, trigger point therapy, feats of strength, grip training and more.
In terms of mental exercise, we are big fans of all different types of brain training. There are studies showing that nootropics combined with brain training is better than brain training or nootropics alone. People also say you get what you measure, so in our case here we will teach you to isolate which memory or cognitive trait you most want to improve, then we will help you find the metric to measure, and then help you hopefully increase that measurement. This is the essential art of biohacking.
Personally, I have worked to enhance my ability to learn, something I refer to as meta-learning. Just as a computer is limited to its input/output (I/) speed, so too are we as humans limited by our ability to take in information and put out information. While adults typically read at around 300 words per minute (wpm), I use tools and have trained to be able to read over 1000 wpm (although I prefer 700-800 wpm). As for input, I have worked to increase my typing speed to over 150 wpm with high-accuracy and am ranked in the 99.9 percentile on typeracer.com. This meta-learning is something nootropics help with and it yields the greatest return on investment of any self-improvement you can do. You can learn to learn better, and then use that learning to learn better recursively and indefinitely. Following this part of the protocol will help you learn to learn more effectively.